Microsoft Is Launching An Xbox Series X Mini Fridge & It Looks Awesome!

What happens when a big company can take a joke? They embrace it and they… make it a reality (well, sometimes). That’s exactly what Microsoft did after memes circulated regarding one of their most popular products: the Xbox Series X.

UPDATE: You can now buy the Xbox series x mini fridge on Amazon by clicking here.

The “memers” are making fun of the video game console design, stating that it resembles a fridge. It may not sound that funny but look at this picture below!

xbox series x fridge meme
source: unknown

It didn’t take long for Microsoft to notice all the memes made by their community and as a result, the company decided to create an actual Xbox Series X fridge that surprised fanatics all around the world.

And while this Xbox fridge won’t be for sale, the Xbox Series X mini fridge most definitely will!

The big Xbox fridge that was given away as a part of a competition back in 2020.

Fun fact: The idea of creating an Xbox Series X mini fridge came from Xbox marketing boss Aaron Greenberg as a part of a competition between Skittles and the video game console. He promised that, if Xbox wins the most votes, Microsoft will create a mini fridge.

Although the competition was launched in April 2021, Greenberg stated the following: “Not an April Fools joke. Not clickbait.” And we’ll take his word for it.

Here is the first look of the Xbox Series X Mini Fridge.

It is still unclear if the mini fridge will come with the controller, glasses and ZOA energy drinks. I went through all the comments but couldn’t find anything. With that being said, I’ll make sure to update this post as soon as I find out.

How much does the Xbox Series X mini fridge cost?

The price of the Xbox Series X mini fridge hasn’t been announced yet. The big one was valued at $499, even though Microsoft wasn’t intending on selling it. But we can still estimate the price of the mini fridge, which in our opinion, will be anywhere from 80$ to 200$.

Does the Xbox Series X mini fridge play games?

The main purpose of the Xbox mini fridge is to keep beverages cool. You won’t be able to play games with it (as far as we know). However, it may come with an awesome controller as seen on Greenberg’s tweet above.

When will the Xbox mini fridge be released?

Unfortunately we do not have a date of release. Greenberg stated in a reply tweet that the first prototypes have been already created and are being reviewed. If I had to guess, I would say that these mini fridges may be released later this year.

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